Saturday, September 13, 2008

Big Weekend!

So, I have a huge amount of things to share about this weekend. I'm actually going to do it in a couple posts.

I have two vehicle wraps that are getting installed this weekend, one on a Corvette which will be done by someone else and one on a Dodge Caravan which I will be helping with. The Corvette is for Central Christian Church and the Dodge Caravan is for a body piercing shop... and no I didn't get those switched around. I will post up the completed images as soon as I have them.

My illustrator teacher asked me yesterday if he could exhibit my illustrations from last semester in the art building windows. The prints were framed and put on easels today along with a small framed sheet that included my information. I will post up images of the little exhibit and the original photos as soon as I get the chance.

Last but definitely not least I contacted RAGC through myspace about doing design for him and to my surprise Andy from RAGC and Manchester Orchestra wrote me back. He complimented my artwork and told me to run with it. I'm starting with some RAGC artwork for his myspace, I'm hoping that it will lead to some Manchester Orchestra Myspace work or possibly t-shirt designs for either band. I'm really hoping to corner the market for indie artists, and I think a band like MO or RAGC will really help me do that. Either way I'm honored to be doing work for one or both of my favorite bands. Above is a preview of something I'm working on, I'll probably throw together a couple others before sending him any proofs. I worked two hours tonight on a detailed illustration that I ended up trashing.... I think I'm being a little more critical with my designs for this project.

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